
& Ethics
Papillon Canada is a National Organization and the Canadian National Papillon Club for Canada. We are a dedicated group of Papillon fanciers devoted to the breed and to educating the Breed's fanciers, the general public and those persons licensed to judge the breed at CKC sanctioned shows. We encourage and promote sound breeding practices, responsible ownership, and proper care and maintenance of the breed.
Papillon Canada periodically holds CKC licensed National Specialty Shows, Regional Specialty Shows, Obedience, Rally and Agility Trials, Sanction Matches and Conformation Boosters throughout all regions of Canada. As a club we urge Club Members and all Papillon owners to participate in CKC sanctioned events.
All of our members have agreed to abide by the following Code of Ethics:
To strive for the betterment of the Papillon breed and for the control/eradication of heredity problems particular to the breed.
To maintain the highest standards of health and care for our dogs. To sell only dogs for which Registration Papers will be provided and, in the case of puppies and adults which are of inferior pet quality, to use CKC non-breeding contracts.
Not to sell puppies to pet shops or commercial brokers, nor to donate puppies to auctions or raffles.
Not to sell puppies under the age of 9 weeks or without proper immunization and health protection for their age.
To represent my dogs as honestly as possible to prospective buyers and assist them with advice on diet, vaccinations, and general health care.
To be an exemplary member of the club and refrain from detrimental public comment on any member or member’s dogs.